Tuesday, April 28, 2009

2009 Easter Sunrise Service
One of the great, yearly high points in our lives is the annual Easter Sunrise Service on Crescent Beach near St. Augustine, Florida. Our research suggests that it is probably the largest Easter sunrise service on any beach in the world. This year the crowd was not counted, but looked comparable to the ‘08 gathering, which numbered more than 5,000.
I had the privilege of directing the Celebration Singers who opened the service with a victorious song of the resurrection (see them in the "About Us" section of this web site), and I afterward led the massive crowd in singing Lord I Lift Your Name on High. After two other songs by the Celebration Singers and more crowd singing, Jeff Varnadoe, our soloist for the past several years, sang prior to Dr. David Beauchamp’s resurrection message.
Following Dr. Beauchamp message several people gave their hearts to Christ, and twenty-three were baptized in the Atlantic Ocean. What a wonderful sight!
The weather was perfect and the sun rising over the horizon of the Atlantic was breathtaking. The crowd was inspired by the large 25 foot cross as it was silhouetted again the blaze of the morning sun.
This annual event is sponsored by Crescent Beach Baptist Church in St. Augustine. Their first Easter sunrise service was held about 12 years ago with 28 people attending.

Conquering the "What If?" Factor
"I’ve suffered a great many catastrophes in my life.
Most of them never happened. - Mark Twain
Years ago in the deep south there lived an elderly black lady who enjoyed sitting in her rocking chair, in the afternoon, on the front porch of her small rural home. Friends who often strolled by would stop and chat with her. On one such occasion a gentleman waved to her and asked, "Auntie! how are you today?" She replied, "Not too good today. You see, when I feels good, I feels bad, cause I’m ‘fraid I’m gonna feel worse."
Without realizing it she found herself living in the world of the What If? Factor. Our first response is, "Poor lady." And then suddenly we remember that we, also, all too often make a visit to her world. Of course, our problems may not be a fear of sickness, but a thousand and one other What If?s, or "it might have been," or "if only."
The What If? Factor
No question that we can ask ourselves, in any language, can bring us more anxiety than, What If? Suddenly our minds begin to be overtaken with the possible, fearful answers to that two-word question. In the midst of our trepidation, we have the tendency to forget the watch-care of our Heavenly Father, and all of His promises made to us even before the problems became figments of our imaginations.
Thousands of us have suffered untold grief and countless tragedies have been played out on the imaginary stages of our lives. They are all too real to flippantly pass them off as an unwelcome fantasy. We should recognize them for what they really are. Satan often attacks us in our weakest places. How sad when we needlessly suffer such mental anguish, heartache and sorrow -- again and again. Can that be corrected, or at least curtailed? The answer is a resounding YES!
Often the What If? factor is helpful.
A certain amount of caution which is derived from the What If? factor is healthy. It causes us to buy insurance or take necessary precautions concerning dangerous situations that may take place in our lives. Presently a major insurance company, MetLife, is running commercials on television offering help with the "if" in LifE. But, when this healthy, helpful, precautionary factor grows into a monster, it can drive away peace, joy and happiness.
For you, or for me, the only way to conquer this problem is through simple faith in God and His promises, and with very wise, godly counsel. At the end of this chapter are some helpful Scriptures. Read them carefully and prayerfully when troubles begin to show their ugly heads.
Courage while facing the What If? factor.
Two hunters were making their way down a small trail, deep in a wooded area. They had walked for hours and had run out of water. Presently they spotted a small cabin, way up ahead. Smoke curled from the top of the chimney, so they assumed that someone must be home. "Surely we can get some water there," they thought. As they moved closer, they could see what appeared to be an elderly lady sitting on the front porch. They slowed their pace and approached with caution, not wanting to frighten her.
They thought it best to hide their guns, so they leaned them against a tree, positioning them so that they could not be seen from the porch. They, very carefully, moved a little closer. It seemed as if they had not been spotted by the lady, so, not wanting to walk right up to her, they decided to get her attention from a distance. One of the men shouted, "Is anyone here?" The lady slowly turned her head toward them, and after a few seconds said, "Jes me and Jesus."
The What If? factor held no fear for her. A long time before she had become secure in her position with God. She rested completely in Him. I’m sure she remembered that Christ had said to her, "I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee." Hebrews 13:5 What a treasure!! Many a wealthy man would give all of his fortune to have such peace and contentment. And so would many of you.
Trusting is more difficult for some.
Keeping the What If? factor in check is much more difficult for some than others. I don’t know all of the reasons for that, but it is a fact. Some have to work harder at it. Some, in order to conquer and manage it have to pray more and stay in the Word of God longer. Mature Christians seem to have less trouble with the management of it.
The promises of God are as sure as His very being. And be sure of this; He loves you and me with an everlasting, unfailing love that we will only be able to understand when we stand before His presence.
Consider these Scriptures:
"He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the Lord, He is my refuge and my fortress: my God; in Him will I trust...he shall call upon me, and I will answer him, I will be with him in trouble; I will deliver him, and honor him. With long life will I satisfy him, and show him my salvation." Psalm 91:1,2,15,16

"Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths." Proverbs 3:5,6

"For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind." 2 Timothy 1:7
"I sought the Lord, and He heard me, and delivered me from all my fears." Psalm 34:4
Every step toward Christ kills a doubt.
Every thought, word, and deed for Him carries you
away from discouragement.
- Theodore Ledyard Cuyler

Since fear is unreasonable, never try to reason with it.
So called "positive thinking" is no weapon against fear.
Only positive faith can rout the black menace of fear
and give life a radiance.
- Marion Hilliard

Fear knocked at the door. Faith answered. No one was there.
- Unknown

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